

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Yahoo! I'm scared

In light of the whole merger/takeover that Microsoft has initiated towards Yahoo! I have become a little wary. Whilst I do not have any bad feelings towards Microsoft, I feel that after so long as the industry leader they have become a bit lacksidasical. Yahoo! whle once a superior service has slowly declined in into medeocraty. Hopefully this fight between the great behemoths will get the ball moving a little faster on both sides. However, after many years of using Yahoo! mail as my primary mail account, I have switched to Gmail. I found this to be prudent for two reasons, one Gmail is a little more flexible. Two, Google while being elitist and a bit arrogant, provides an excellent service and still has the drive to continue innovating. I still use Yahoo! don't get me wrong, I also still use Microsoft products. But as for being the one that I rely on I am thinking that both will be in for some net shattering shakedowns, that will cause more harm than good in the begining. I can't predict the future and it could all work out well in the end. I still feel that after this knock down drag out fight the greatest winner will be Google.

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